Wisdom Teeth Removal–What to Know for Your Teen

By the time your child is a teenager, they’ve been through many stages of dental development – teething, loss of baby teeth, the arrival of permanent teeth, and possibly even orthodontic treatment for functional or cosmetic reasons. Developing third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth, marks the final milestone in childhood oral development before reaching adulthood. It is important to schedule a dental consultation with Brightwork Family Dentistry during your child’s development to ensure their growth stays on track.

Read on to learn more about these sometimes troublesome teeth, and how to set your teen up for success with good dental. hygiene habits as they transition into adulthood.

Growing up with good dental hygiene habits

One job of a family dentist or pediatric dentist is to help parents establish good oral habits with their children from an early age. At Brightwork Family Dentistry, we are proud to be the top dentists for wisdom teeth removal in Richmond, VA. Our team of experts recommends that children be seen for their first visit before the age of one, and that they be seen every six months for routine, preventative care. See our top 10 tips for setting good dental habits from an early age.

But even with great oral care throughout their childhood, it’s very likely that your child is going to need the help of a dental professional with their final tooth development milestone: the eruption (or, more often, impaction) of their wisdom teeth. When a child’s wisdom teeth begin to become impacted, closely monitoring the tooth’s growth and development is important. Here’s all you need to know about wisdom teeth, when (and why) to have them removed, recovery, and more:

Why do wisdom teeth usually need to be removed?

Wisdom teeth do sometimes come in on their own, but in most cases (some estimates put it at more than 80%) the teeth are impacted, meaning they’re positioned under the gums sideways or cannot emerge due to space restrictions. Lingering symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth can be painful and the teeth can easily become infected. Removing the impacted wisdom teeth can prevent further complications, such as abscesses, cysts, and gum disease. Overall, removing wisdom teeth helps to promote oral health.

The dentists at Brightwork Family Dentistry can confirm via x-ray how the teeth are positioned and recommend whether and when to have them removed.

When to have wisdom teeth removed?

The recommended age to have wisdom teeth extracted is between the ages of 18 and 24. Dentists also recommend watching out for symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth, such as pain, swelling, and infection. Delaying the removal can lead to further complications and discomfort.

What is wisdom teeth removal recovery like?

Brightwork Family Dentistry’s team of experts works with each patient throughout the wisdom teeth removal process too ensure the procedure is as painless as possible. A patient will likely have swelling and mild discomfort for 3-4 days following the procedure. They’ll be sent home with instructions on how to ease wisdom tooth pain to help alleviate discomfort and promote recovery, such as applying ice packs to the face and jaw area, eating soft foods, drinking plenty of fluids, etc. Patients should seek professional care immediately for unusual symptoms like heavy bleeding, fever, or severe pain.

How much does wisdom tooth removal cost?

The extraction cost depends on several factors, including the number of teeth being removed, the level of impaction, what type of anesthesia is chosen, the patient’s insurance coverage, and other considerations – book a consultation with Brightwork Family Dentistry to discuss your options.

What are the best foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal?

The best choice is to stick with soft foods for the first 3-5 days after the procedure, such as broth-based soups, yogurt, pudding, smoothies, mashed potatoes, apple sauce, fruit purees, etc. It’s important to avoid crunchy, spicy, and acidic food that can irritate the healing area. This will help to ease overall wisdom tooth pain as time goes on.

How long does wisdom teeth removal take?

The wisdom teeth removal process can vary depending on how the teeth grow, their positioning, and how many teeth should be removed. The procedure can generally take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, and the recovery period typically lasts a few days to a week. Discussing the specifics with the dentists at Brightwork Family Dentistry during the initial dental consultation is recommended.

Are you asking yourself, “when can I eat solid food after my wisdom tooth removal?”

While deciding when to eat solid food for the first time after your wisdom teeth removal, following your dentist’s instructions and waiting until the healing process is complete is important. Typically, patients can gradually introduce soft, solid foods into their diet about a week after the procedure. They can usually have soft food about an hour after the procedure. Still, it’s important to avoid anything too hard or crunchy that could irritate the healing area.

Wisdom teeth removal is an incredibly common and routine procedure, and just one more step in your child’s oral care journey. If your child is experiencing symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth and you’re considering having them removed, consult the team att Brightwork Family Dentistry to determine if it is necessary and the best course of action for them.

Check out our other General & Pediatric dental services the team offers, from roots canals to regular cleanings. If you’re looking for dental care, visit Richmond, VA’s top dentists at Brightwork Family Dentistry for a dental consultation today – we’re here to help.



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