Cosmetic Dentistry: Smaller Procedures That Make Big Impacts

It’s the start of a new year, and if one of your 2023 goals is to address a cosmetic dental need, the team at Brightwork Family Dentistry has you covered!

But if adding one more thing to your to-do list makes you want to say “maybe next year…”, remember that cosmetic dentistry isn’t an all-or-nothing endeavor – there are many fairly simple procedures that can have a major impact on your smile without a major disruption to your life, or your budget!

 Book a consultation to see what treatments might be right for you, but here are a few examples of minimally invasive procedures that deliver maximum results:

 “Straighten” with a crown. A dental crown (a tooth-shaped cap placed over an existing tooth) can’t straighten your teeth as a whole, but having your dentist place a crown on a particularly misaligned tooth can absolutely create the appearance of a straighter smile. It won’t give the same results as traditional braces or clear aligners, but also doesn’t come along with the time commitment or price tag of those treatments.

 Correct minor flaws with dental bonding. Using a resin material in a shade that matches your teeth, your dentist can fill in chips, gaps, cracks and other minor cosmetic flaws to give your smile an almost instant boost.

 Opt for tooth whitening first. Before you consider the cost commitment of dental veneers, have your teeth professionally whitened by your dentist. The effect of a professional whitening is far beyond anything you can achieve with a home product, and can make a profound impact on the overall look of your teeth.

 Take one step at a time. If you have a complex dental issue, or multiple simpler issues that need to be addressed, work with your dentist to break your treatment into stages. This not only makes a treatment plan feel less overwhelming, it ensures that the plan works with your finances and your lifestyle.  

 Book an appointment today with the caring dentists at Brightwork Family Dentistry to make a plan to check “brighter smile” off of your 2023 resolutions list.



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