What Is Emergency Dental Treatment?

What is a dental emergency? At first it may seem like a silly question, but when you’re faced with the dilemma of whether or not to wait for an appointment or schedule emergency dental treatment, it’s good to know what to look for. At Brightwork Family Dentistry we can take care of just about anything when it comes to your teeth, including emergency dental work to our patients during regularly scheduled business hours. If you find yourself needing emergency care late at night or on the weekend, it’s important for you to understand when it’s time to seek immediate treatment.

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?

First, let’s talk about what a dental emergency actually is. A dental emergency can occur in any number of ways, but what’s important to know is that time is of the essence. Any condition that will rapidly worsen or become irreversible over the course of a few hours should be treated immediately. Luckily more often than not, if you’re having a dental emergency you’ll know it. Severe trauma to the mouth, blood, chipped or fractured teeth, gum lacerations, extreme dental pain or tooth abscess pain are all telltale signs of an emergency. If your gums bleed a little bit when you floss this may not need immediate attention, but you should plan a visit with Brightwork’s top dentists in Richmond, Virginia. That being said, some dental emergencies are more subtle than others.

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

Severe dental pain, even without any bleeding could be a sign you are experiencing a dental emergency. A loose or lost tooth needs to be treated as quickly as possible to increase your chances of having the tooth put back into place. Crowns and bridges can help to restore your smile and support your oral hygiene. Infections or abscesses in the gums are another dental emergency that may not be quite as obvious as a traumatic injury.  

If you think you are experiencing a dental emergency, it’s important to take action immediately. If you are experiencing unexplained, severe pain in your teeth or gums, first try flossing or swishing warm water. If the pain persists, it may be time to get emergency dental treatment because you could be a candidate for a root canal. If you get a tooth knocked out from impact or other trauma, pick up the tooth by the top, never by the root, and try to insert it back in place. If you can’t, then put the knocked-out tooth in milk. Doing so will increase your chances of preserving the tooth, especially if you get medical attention quickly. A tooth abscess is often accompanied by fever, persistent pain, sensitivity to hot and cold, swelling in the face and pimple-like bumps on the gums. If you are experiencing tooth abscess pain like this, you should receive emergency dental treatment as soon as possible, as it can be life threatening and needs immediate attention. 

Minimize the Risk of Emergency Treatment

Remember, in a dental emergency the clock is ticking and getting help can avoid more intensive treatments, complications and long-term dental problems that cause severe pain. If a filling falls out or you crack a veneer it may put a damper on your evening, but treatment can wait for regular office hours. Hopefully you never experience a dental emergency, but Brightwork Family Dentistry is here to help you prevent issues from arising and avoid serious dental problems in the future. Our patients can schedule a dentist appointment for their dental emergencies today!


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